In My Haven: February 3
This week in my haven I’ve struggled a little to figure out how I should be spending my time and energy. Should I be restocking inventory that I lost because of our burst pipe? Should I be re-organizing my supplies? Should I be designing new appliqué patterns? Getting back to normal has not been straightforward and I'm still not there yet, but I'm getting closer. One thing I worked on is something that I've been wanting to do for awhile, which was to write a full tutorial to go with my two new Huggable patterns. My long term vision for Haven Handmade is be a place where you can purchase unique handmade gifts as well as a place where you can learn to make them yourself. I love the feeling of making something special for a loved one, and I want to be able to share that with others. Having a section on my website where you can find tutorials for the items I make is another step towards making that vision a reality.
Haven Handmade Shop
How to Sew a Huggable
If you've ever watched one of my time lapse videos of free motion stitching and wished you could do it too, then you're the one I wrote this tutorial for! Free motion stitching may seem intimidating at first, but a small project like a Huggable is a great place to start out and learn. It’s also possible to use the pattern for other projects. Try cutting the pieces from paper or felt, for example. No matter how you choose to use this design, I hope you'll share what you made!
More From My Haven
Since life isn't all business, here’s a little more about what’s happening in my haven this week.
What I'm Cooking: My favorite meal of the week was hamburgers and tater tots. It tasted so good to eat a hamburger in the winter because it's something we tend to only cook outdoors on the grill. I don't have a recipe for you, but I highly recommend making a meal that feels summery in the middle of a cold winter week!
What I'm Reading: I am still reading Olga Dies Dreaming (Xóchitl González) and I don't have anything new to say about it yet.
What Joanna is Reading: We have continued reading A Tale of Magic (Chris Colfer) and she is always disappointed when it’s time to stop reading for the night.
What's happening in your haven this week?
Disclosure: The links in this post are not affiliate links. I do not receive any compensation for the recommendations I make in my journal. It's just a place where I can write about what I like and think you might too.