In My Haven: October 28
This week in my haven got off to a bumpy start on Monday, but has smoothed out as the days have passed. I felt like I was juggling too many different balls and I wasn't sure how I was going to get everything accomplished. Can anyone relate? Thankfully, I'm in a better spot with everything now, and I am looking forward to a relaxing weekend and fun Halloween festivities on Monday.
Haven Handmade Shop Appliqué of the Week
Sweet Kitty
This week I worked on sewing a set of adorable animal pillows, which will be headed to a local shop. My favorite of the bunch was this sweet kitty. The combination of floral fabrics just really made me happy. If you like this kitty as much as I do, you can get any product with this appliqué design for 10% off this week only. Use the code AOTW at checkout. It would make a great gift for any cat lovers you know!
On Sale
Wildflowers Pillows
This wildflowers design featuring white and yellow daisies on a navy blue background is a summer favorite! Even though summer is over, you could get one or both of these wildflower appliqué pillows now and enjoy a bit of summer indoors all winter. They are marked down to $18 each.
More From My Haven
Since life isn't all business, here’s a little more about what’s happening in my haven this week.
What I'm cooking: My favorite breakfast of the week was steel cut oats, which I make overnight using this method so that they are ready to heat up and eat first thing in the morning.
What I'm making: Joanna’s monarch butterfly costume is finished and she's excited to wear it on Halloween!
What I'm reading: Same as last week— The Memory of Babel by Christelle Dabos (Book 3 of the Mirror Visitor series)
What I'm reading with Joanna: Same as last week— The Magician’s Nephew by C.S. Lewis (Book 1 or 6 in the Chronicle of Narnia series, depending on whether you read them chronologically or in publication order)
What's happening in your haven this week?
Disclosure: The links in this post are not affiliate links. I do not receive any compensation for the recommendations I make in my journal. It's just a place where I can write about what I like and think you might too.