This Week in Our Haven: No. 36
This week in my haven has been all about making the final preparations to sell at my first in-person artisans market. I’ll be going back to my small hometown of Syracuse, Indiana on Saturday to sell at the Artisans & Farmers Market they hold at Veteran’s Memorial Park. It feels fitting to be starting here since this is where I grew up and first found out how much I love to sew.
Shop announcements:
There are a few items that are (for the time being at least) only going to be available for sale in-person. These include keychains, bookmarks, and certain pillow designs. I hope you’ll come say hello if I’m at a market near you!
Preview of my market table set-up
Thoughts: “I’m not going to feel prepared until I’m over-prepared.” This is me misquoting a friend of mine who is an event planner, but it feels really relevant to where my head is at this week. Getting ready to start anything new makes me somewhat nervous, which I cope with by trying to be prepared for anything that may happen. Most likely I’ll still end up forgetting something or realizing I should have done something else to get ready, but that’s just the way of things I guess.
Eats: As soon as warm weather hits, we grill as many meals as we can each week. This shifts the cooking responsibilities a bit in our house because I’m not the best at grilling. (Ask me sometime about how I tried to grill Peter’s birthday dinner last year and we ended up eating takeout.) This week we grilled pork chops, sweet potatoes, broccoli, and hamburgers. This is pretty standard fare for us, but we like to try grilling all sorts of ingredients and dishes. What’s your favorite thing to grill?
Listens: Now that I have the house to myself during the workday a couple times a week, I’ve been getting back into listening to podcasts. I have been working through all the episodes of The Michelle Obama Podcast, and absolutely love it. The conversations she has are very insightful, while also being relatable and entertaining. I’d highly recommend it! And if you haven’t read her book, Becoming, yet, I’d suggest that too!
That’s all I have time for right now. I’m off to over-prepare some more as we get ready to head down to Syracuse for the holiday weekend! I hope you have a restful weekend, full of gratitude for the good things in your life and those that made them possible.
(Disclosure: I do not receive any compensation for the recommendations, links, or reviews I post here. All opinions are my own.)