This Week in Our Haven: No. 37
This week in my haven I thought the pace might feel a little slower, but I’m not sure it has. I am more motivated than ever to keep sewing after the positive feedback that I got at the Syracuse Artisan Market last week! I’m excited to keep branching out in new ways and I hope you’ll keep stopping by here to hear how things are going. I definitely appreciate each and every person who takes a moment to shop, comment, or share my work with others, whether in-person or online.
Shop announcements:
There are a few items that are (for the time being at least) only going to be available for sale in-person at craft markets and at Workshop Apothecary’s two locations. These include keychains, bookmarks, and certain pillow designs. I hope you’ll come say hello if I’m at a market near you!
My next in-person market is coming up on Sunday, June 13th in Chicago. I’ll be a vendor at the Pilsen Vendor Market at Pilsen Art House.
Just some Huggables hanging out at the Syracuse Artisan Market, ready for their debut
Thoughts: “Rest is not idleness, and to lie sometimes on the grass under trees on a summer's day, listening to the murmur of the water, or watching the clouds float across the sky, is by no means a waste of time.” (John Lubbock, The Use Of Life) I was looking for better words than I could write to sum up how I’m feeling about the start of summer and came across this. It’s a good description of our Memorial Day weekend and of how I hope summer feels.
Eats: I was asked to bring a dessert to a gathering this weekend and I’m having trouble deciding what recipe to bake. I’m trying to decide between these Mallow Bars, which I’ve never made before, and Belgian Brownie Cakelets, which I have. I’m sure that Peter and Joanna will help me decide! Which would you pick?
Reads: One of Joanna’s picture books has been on my mind this week, even though we haven’t actually read it very recently. It’s called How to Be a Lion and it’s written by Ed Vere. I was thinking about his book because we get so many messages throughout our lives about how we are supposed to be, and it can be really difficult and confusing to figure out who we are. Both children and adults struggle with this. This book is a great reminder to listen to your Marianne when you’re feeling like Leonard and to be Marianne for others when they are feeling like Leonard.
After being away last weekend, I’m happy to be sticking close to home and catching up on a few things around the house this weekend. It looks like it’s going to be a perfect weekend for working on some gardening, reading outside in the shade, and catching up with friends. I hope your weekend is restful and rejuvenating!
(Disclosure: I do not receive any compensation for the recommendations, links, or reviews I post here. All opinions are my own.)